Roles of the school
At HBHS members of the school community have rights and responsibilities. Students and staff have the right to feel safe and protected from bullying and harassment. The school responds quickly and firmly against bullying wherever and whenever it occurs.
The school is responsible for the implementation of an anti-bullying policy. The central components are strategies which are utilised for anticipated incidents. HBHS fosters a structured approach when dealing with student bullying.
Level 1
- an incident record is kept
- students are interviewed to ascertain the facts. A “No Blame” approach is used.
- students are counselled
- relevant school-based strategy is administered
Level 2
- parent involvement including notification and interview
- interventions across the school involving Deputy Principals, Head Teacher Wellbeing, Head Teachers and classroom teachers
- use of monitoring structures
- use of relevant support structures at school or available to the school
Level 3
- discipline code. Students who persist in bullying, despite counselling and support, may be suspended and ultimately excluded from school. Students may be immediately suspended or excluded from school depending on the severity of the bullying.