Homebush Boys High School

Recte et Fortiter

Telephone02 9764 3611


Student and parent responsibilities

Daily Attendance

  • Students are to attend school each day arriving before 8:50 AM. They should attend every scheduled period that they have, on time.
  • Attendance at swimming and athletics carnivals is compulsory as these are normal school days that are part of our regular schooling program. Failure to attend should be accompanied by a note explaining their absence.
  • If a student is absent, an explanation by means such as a telephone call, written note, text message or email to the school must be provided within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence. Absences of more than 2 consecutive days requires a doctor’s certificate.
  • If a student misses an assessment or examination they must provide a doctor’s certificate or risk receiving zero marks for that task. This is in line with Homebush Boys High School examination and assessment procedures.

Lateness to School

  • A student who arrives after 8:50 should report to the front office where they will be signed in to school. Late students who do not have a justified reason will be issued with a detention in room 9 during Lunch 1. Failure to attend this detention will result in an afternoon detention.
  • Repeated late arrivals to school may result in further disciplinary action by the Deputy Principals.
  • Any late student who does not sign in at the front office will be marked absent for the whole day.
  • Students who arrive late and do not have a late slip will not be admitted into class.

Early Leave

  • Any student that requires an early leave from school should report to the administration or front office prior to 8:50am with a signed note from their parents or carers. Suitable reasons for an early leave are things such as doctors or specialists appointments, participation in special events or religious festivals.
  • In line with our school’s sport policy, early leave will only be granted on Wednesdays for Specialist’s appointments.
  • The following are not suitable reasons for early leave and will be rejected as they are not accepted by the Department of Education:
    • Physiotherapist appointment
    • Driver’s Licence test
    • Student starts work early
    • It’s raining and you don’t want your child to do sport
    • Their friend, brother or cousin is also leaving early

Study Periods

  • If a senior student has a study period during the first period of the day they may sign into school late, but must be at school by 9:30am on all days of the week or they will be marked as late and receive a lunch time detention. Students with multiple study periods at the start of the day are still expected to be at school before 9:30am.
  • If a senior student has a study period during the last period of the day, they may sign out at the beginning of lunch time. Students with multiple study periods at the end of the day are still expected to be at school until the beginning of lunch.
  • Students who fail to attain a sign in or out pass at the front office will be treated as truants and will be issued with an afternoon detention.
  • All study periods must be spent at school, in the senior area or in the library.

Leave (As outlined in the NSW Public Schools Attendance Policy, 2015)

  • From the beginning of 2015, Family holidays and travel are no longer considered under the Exemption from School - Procedures. Travel outside of vacation period is now counted as an absence for statistical purposes.
  • A Certificate of Extended Leave – Travel should not be issued where the principal is aware that the student has been the subject of contact with the Child Wellbeing Unit or a Community Services (Family and Community Services) report and for whom unresolved issues concerning a risk of harm remain.
  • A principal should not accept a reason for travel during school term if it is not in the best interests of the student. Educational, social and participation reasons, which should be specified on the Application.
  • Travel is considered to be domestic or international travel for the purpose of a family holiday, family business, bereavement or other reasons, which should be specified on the application.
  • Principals should consult with parents about the intention of the travel and in the case of family holidays encourage parents to take holidays with their child during school vacation periods.
  • Where a principal considers that the travel is appropriate during school term, the principal should issues the parent with an Application for Extended Leave – Travel for completion and inform the parent that if the Application is accepted, the absences will be recorded as “L” – Leave.
  • Principals should request travel documentation, such as travel itinerary or e- ticket, and ensure this is attached to the Application.
  • Principals should ensure that parents are assisted with the completion of the Application and provide a translation service if required.
  • When travels period exceeds one school term access to Distance Education must be considered. Refer to Distance Education: Enrolment Procedures.
  • If a student or students do not return on the date specified, the principal must ensure the parents are contacted to establish the whereabouts of the student. If contact is not established then the principal should follow processes associated with an Application for Home School Liaison Program support.
  • On accepting a parent’s Application a Certificate of Extended Leave - Travel must be issued. The original certificate will be provided to the parent and a copy of the certificate placed in each student’s record.

Exempt Leave

  • Certificates of Exemption from the compulsory schooling requirements of the Education Act (1990) must only be granted by the delegated officer when it has been clearly demonstrated by the applicant that an exemption is in the student’s best interests in the short and long term and that alternatives to exemption have been considered. For example, it may be in the student’s best interests and be more appropriate to access distance education than be exempted from attending school.
  • Applications for a Certificate of Exemption from School must be managed consistent with the Exemption from School – Procedures. Principals must consult this document when considering an application for Exemption from School.
  • Involvement in private lessons, such as dance and music classes conducted outside the school during school hours may not be conducive to the effective operation of the school or to the education of the student concerned. Students’ involvement in extra-curricular activities will usually be limited to outside school hours.
  • Where attendance at a private lesson during school hours is of exceptional importance such as sitting examinations, principals may use their discretion in justifying the absence. This provision must not be used on a regular basis.
  • If parents withdraw their children from school for private lessons an unjustified absence should be recorded and procedures for addressing attendance concerns followed.
  • See the Exemption from School – Procedures for requirements when considering an application for a certificate of exemption for participation in the entertainment industry, elite sports or elite arts.

Note: Higher School Certificate courses conducted outside school, participation in work placement or TAFE based courses are not considered to be private lessons.


  • Students are required to turn up to all classes on time. Failure to do so, without a satisfactory explanation or note from a teacher will be treated as truancy.
  • Whole day truancy and partial truancy including lateness to class and missing whole periods will result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Teacher Responsibility section below.

Sport Attendance

  • Sport is a compulsory and valued component of schooling here at Homebush Boys High School. Our students are required to participate in structured sporting activities in line with the Department of Education’s Sport and Physical Activity Policy.
  • Students must attend their chosen sport each week, unless injured or sick. In the case of injury and illness, students are not to go home early. They must have a signed permission note from their parent or guardian explaining the circumstances of their incapacitation. Students must present their note to the sport’s coordinator before school starts so that they may be admitted into the sick room (room 9).
  • Only under exceptional circumstances will students be granted early leave on Wednesdays. Students who wish to leave early must present a note detailing the reasons for their leave to the Head Teacher Administration office before 8:50am. Leave may be granted for specialist appointments.

Parent Responsibilities (As outlined in the NSW Public Schools Attendance Policy, 2015)

Parents must ensure

  • Their children of compulsory school age are enrolled in a government or registered non-government school or, they are registered with the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (NESA) for Home Schooling.
  • Their children who are enrolled at school attend every day the school is open for their instruction.
  • They provide an explanation for absences by means such as a telephone call, written note, text message or email to the school within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence.
  • They work in partnership with the school to plan and implement strategies to support regular attendance at school, including communicating with the school if they are aware of issues impacting on their child’s attendance or engagement with school.