It is mandatory that each school has a Student Welfare Policy.
Student Welfare
- Encompasses all that the school community does to meet the personal, social and learning needs of students.
- Creates a safe, caring learning environment
- Incorporates effective discipline
- Incorporates preventative health and social skills programs
- Values collaborative early intervention
- Provides ongoing education support
- Recognises diversity and promotes harmony
- Provides opportunities for students to:
- enjoy success and recognition
- make a useful contribution to the life of the school
- derive enjoyment from their learning
See the department Student Welfare Policy for a more comprehensive statement:
The Student Welfare Policy
- Has three focus areas
- effective learning and teaching
- positive climate and good discipline
- community participation
- Is concerned with effective learning and the quality of school life
- Provides a detailed framework for the optimal participation of students
- Is the umbrella policy for school practices relating to student well-being