Homebush Boys High School

Recte et Fortiter

Telephone02 9764 3611


HBHS technology policy

Homebush Boys High School has a Technology Policy to provide students, staff and parents with clear guidelines regarding the safe and appropriate use of technology at School.


Bring your own device (BYOD)

BYOD is now a compulsory policy at Homebush Boys High School. All students are required to bring their devices charged and ready for use every day. The primary purpose is to assist the teaching and learning of our students and better prepare them for the paperless workplace and society of the twenty first century, into which they will enter upon leaving school. Other reasons are the economic savings, allowing funds to be diverted to better use, and environmental sustainability.

Further information on device requirements is available at our BYOD page.

Mobile phones and non-educational electronic devices

Mobiles phones and other non-educational electronic devices are banned within the school premises, this includes classrooms, playgrounds and corridors. Prior to entering the school grounds all Mobile Phones and Non-Educational Electronic devices must be switched off and out of sight. This includes all wired and wireless headphones and speakers. Medical exceptions may apply through school approved application.

Consequences of breach

There will be zero tolerance for breaches of the policy in regard to the use of mobile phones and non-educational devices. The consequences will be:

Emergency contact

If parents need to contact a student due to an emergency this should be done by contracting the school on 02 9764 3611. If there is an emergency with a student, the school will notify the parent/carer.

Students are responsible for the devices they bring and use at Homebush Boys High School. The School is not liable for personal devices that are broken, lost or stolen while travelling to or from school, within the school, during sport or during school-sponsored activities.

Thank you for the ongoing support, as we work together to achieve the best educational outcomes for our students.