We know that a student’s ability to:
- read, and understand what he reads;
- write clearly and effectively; and
- use numbers accurately and confidently
will determine his school results, career choices and life opportunities.
Gathering and responding to information……
Now, there is plenty of student literacy and numeracy information available to schools and parents from standardised, on-line testing (Check-in and NAPLAN), as well as in-school assessment information.
School responses to standardised data may take the form of:
- programs to address whole-cohort weaknesses;
- strategies to improve performance of those who are generally progressing well; and
- intensive support for students experiencing difficulty.
Tracking now includes Year 10, 11 and 12 students who have already attempted HSC Minimum Standards tests, but have not yet achieved proficiency.
Literacy and numeracy in timetabled classes…..
All subjects embed literacy and numeracy strategies in their timetabled classes.
Other literacy & numeracy support....
A number of other school programs specifically and explicitly support literacy and numeracy.
And, in an ongoing way, parents are kept fully informed about school programs, and about their sons’ literacy and numeracy progress, via newsletter items, letters, text messages and the school website.
Results snapshots.....
The effectiveness of literacy and numeracy programs is only truly demonstrated by student growths. For several years now (due to the combined effects of Covid, and changes to NAPLAN reporting scales), growths have unfortunately not been available to schools. However, the most recently available growth results, in 2021, showed the school (in green) performing more strongly than either State or similar schools in all literacy and numeracy NAPLAN domains:
In addition, every one of our graduating 2022 and 2023 Year 12 cohort satisfied all Minimum Standards in reading, writing and numeracy.
In addition, every one of our graduating 2023 and 2024 Year 12 cohort satisfied all Minimum Standards in reading, writing and numeracy.
All our programs are based on……..
At HBHS...
there is no greater priority than this.
For further information about our programs, call the school Phone: 9764-3611 and ask to speak to Mr Bawden (Literacy/Numeracy support person, Tues/Thurs).