What is Moodle?
Moodle is an online platform for the setting and completing of work by students, in their own time. At HBHS, this program has been set up to provide literacy and numeracy support for students, and is complemented by after-school Homework Help classes on two afternoons (Monday and Tuesday), for one hour after school, in the library. Year 8 students have been logged in to Moodle at school. To access this support, they will need a computer/laptop connected to the internet at home; or, they can use library computers during Homework Help. A teacher will be present at Homework Help, to provide assistance and to record student attendance. In addition, all students have been given Moodle log-on instructions.
What it is not
Moodle literacy and numeracy support does not replace instruction in the classroom, and is in addition to normal homework. Students are advised to pay close attention to what they are taught in class, and to seek help from their classroom teachers, as needed. Work placed on Moodle is designed to give extra practice in literacy/numeracy skills which should already have been covered in class at some point, and which are vital for credentialing, further education and life beyond school.
How it works
Each Monday during Term, new literacy/numeracy exercises will be placed on Moodle. Deadline for the completion of this work will be the following Sunday evening. Then, all work for the week will be checked, and correct answers posted, with some explanations, as well as exercises for the next week. All students will be given feedback on completed work in the form of a comment and grade, as follows;