All students are entitled to the right to learn in class and we work constantly to uphold a number of principles to guarantee the safety and wellbeing of all students at all times. Our students have all been introduced to our Bushy Boy Behaviours in which we have utilised the Positive Behaviours intervention Strategies framework to support and reward students for working committedly in upholding our school values.
Bushy Boys Behavior (PBIS)
- Show Respect
- Be Safe
- Value My Learning
As a Bushy Boy, I will:
- Use 'please' and 'thank you'
- Wait in line patiently for my turn
- Use my own money
As a Bushy Boy, I will:
- Only be in corridors and stairwells to:
- Move to class promptly
- See a teacher
- Walk safely and quietly on the left
- eat my food outside buildings
As a Bushy Boy, I will:
- Treat others with care and respect
- Play with right games safely in the right areas
- Place my rubbish in the bins and pickup other rubbish I see
- Be in areas I am allowed to be in
As a Bushy Boy, I will:
- Follow the Code of Behavior
- Work together with team mates
- Always accept the referee's decisions
- Be on time and in correct uniform
- Travel with my team and look after one another
- Use transport safely and responsibly
As a Bushy Boy, I will:
- Cooperate with my teachers and classmates
- Care for the learning environment
- Be on time and be prepared
- Work at my best
- Speak politely to everyone
- Wear my uniform proudly
- Work responsibly in the learning environment
As a Bushy Boy, I will:
- Listen and respect all speakers
- Applaud appropriately to show appreciation
- Stay seated in my correct roll call
- Ensure I am marked present
As a Bushy Boy, I will:
- Leave my bag outside
- Work quitely
- Look after my own valuables
- Follow library rules
Front Office
As a Bushy Boy, I will:
- Use ' please' and 'thank you'
- Make payments and enquiries during recess and lunch
- Visit the sick bay only when I don't feel well
- Follow the directions of the office staff
As a Bushy Boy, I will:
- Always have an out-of-class pass
- Use good hygiene practices
- Return to class immediately
- Report any damage to the front office
At times, students of concern will be elevated through referral to a Subject Head Teacher. This staff member will either directly intervene in the students behavioural choices or refer to the appropriate next level. The following diagram demonstrates the current student referral process at our school.
Student Referral Processes
Any serious concerns in relations to Child Protection issues refer directly to Principal.

Atypical Referrals to HT Student Wellbeing and Year Adviser.
Teachers and Head Teachers can refer directly to Year Adviser when there are obvious welfare concerns.
- Signs of neglect
- Escalating inappropriate behaviors
- Dramatic change in attitude or personality (depression)
Quick Links
- eSafety – Cyber Security and Protecting Children
- Suspension and Expulsion of School Students Procedures
- Student Discipline in Government Schools Policy
- RTA Road Safety Information for parents and schools
- Preventing child abuse
- Bullying: Preventing and Responding to Student Bullying in Schools Policy
- Bullying. No Way!
- Cybersmart
- DoE Anti-Racism Policy
- Racism. No Way!
- Prejudice. No Way!