Roll Call-Home Room are responsible for
- Accurately marking the roll each morning on Sentral (Monday, Tuesday and Friday is marked in attendance. Wednesday and Thursday is marked in PxP).
- Encouraging students to bring in notes for absence to the Head Teacher Administrations.
- Monitor student uniform. If a student is out of uniform, send them to the head teacher who monitors that area who will issue them with a pink uniform slip. If the head teacher is unavailable, send them to the deputy principal of the corresponding year group.
Classroom Teachers are responsible for
- Accurately recording attendance at the start of every lesson.
- Recording the time of absence of late arrivals and early departures on Sentral.
- Recording behaviour and or wellbeing concerns such as; Chronic non-attendance, fractional truancy and persistent lateness to class on Sentral. Notify Faculty Head Teacher, Year Advisor and/or Head Teacher Wellbeing.
In the case of truancy
1st Truancy - Teacher issues a consequence such as a lunch detention and enters the truancy on Sentral.
2nd Truancy - Refer to Head Teacher for a consequence such as an afternoon detention. Record the truancy on Sentral and contact parents.
3rd Truancy - Repeat 2nd Truancy process.
4th Truancy - Refer to the Deputy Principal.
Sport Teachers are responsible for
- Accurately recording attendance at the start and end of every session.
- Submit sport rolls on Thursday morning at the latest.
Head Teacher KLAs are responsible for
- Providing an opportunity for teachers to refer students with poor attendance patterns in their classes.
- Check Sentral to follow up on attendance concerns referred by teachers in faculty.
- Ensuring the N-Award procedure is followed.
- Making parent contact if necessary to discuss impact on student learning.
- Refer persistent lateness to Deputy Principal for the year group.
Year Advisors are responsible for
- Monitor student attendance as referred to by the Head Teacher Administration.
- Contact parents of students with attendance below 75% twice a term to discuss absenteeism. Document this contact on Sentral.
- Notify the school of issues that may affect their attendance. If there are serious wellbeing concerns, notify the Head Teacher Wellbeing.
- Discuss student attendance and follow up at the wellbeing meeting.
- Document all attempts or strategies put in place to assist students with attendance issues.
Head Teacher Wellbeing is responsible for
- Liaising with Year Advisers, Head Teacher KLAs, Head Teacher Administration and Deputy Principal Wellbeing.
- Providing guidance to Year Advisors regarding students of concern.
- Attending parent meetings when necessary.
Head Teacher Administration is responsible for
- Liaising with Year Advisers, Head Teacher KLAs, Head Teacher Wellbeing and Deputy Principal Wellbeing.
- Regular attendance checks.
- Fortnight HSLO meetings.
- Notify Year Advisers of students who are under 75% attendance.
- Notify parents of attendance issues.
- Implementing strategies to improve whole school attendance rates.
- Processing and approving early leavers.
- The collection of absent notes and entry into Sentral.
- The collection of extended leave forms and entry into Sentral.
School Administration Staff are responsible for
- Signing students in who arrive late at school.
- Printing out updated Home Room rolls and placing them in the folders as necessary.
- Collecting the sport rolls and entering the data into Sentral.
- Signing students in/out as flexible upon arrival or when leaving.
- Signing out early leavers when the Head Teacher Administrations are unavailable.
Deputy Principals are responsible for
- Liaising with Year Advisers, Head Teacher Wellbeing, Head Teacher KLAs and Head Teacher Administration.
- Dealing with incidents of repeated truancy. Counsel student, contact parents and issue an after school detention.
- Ensuring parents and students are aware of the consequences of repeated truancy such as short suspension from school.
- Ensuring in the event of a student of post-compulsory age being suspended for truancy they will also receive a warning letter regarding possible expulsion from school.
- Conducting ‘spot checks’ of year groups as required.
- Following up on students with continual lateness.
Principals are responsible for
- Ensuring staff and students adhere to the Homebush Boys High School attendance policy.
- Approval of extended leave for extenuating circumstances.
- Liaising with the Head Teacher Administrations in relation to all attendance concerns.