Homebush Boys High School

Recte et Fortiter

Telephone02 9764 3611


Parents and citizens' association

For details about our HBHS P&C please visit the P&C page. 

We are looking forward to seeing more articles posted about what is happening around the school or anything of interest to our P&C Association.

If you are keen to contribute an article or information please send it to: hbhspandc@gmail.com.

certificate of incorporation

Please note that the first P&C meeting this year will be held on Tuesday February 23 at 6:30pm at the School Hall. All are welcome.

If you wish to attend the meeting, please RSVP by 5pm Monday February 22 via the P&C email: hbhspandc@gmail.com.
RSVPs are essential to allow us to plan for numbers and to comply with the social distancing rules.
(Please note this is not a parent(student) teacher interview event).

The agenda of this meeting will include:

  • Update from Principal,
  • Preparation for our Annual General Meeting in March,
  • Financial Update, and
  • P&C Plan for 2021.

Being a P&C member provides you with greater opportunities to learn about what the school is doing, provide feedback and contribute support through our fundraising efforts.

Our Treasurer will be collecting 2021 P&C membership fees of $2 per person so if you would like to become a member please bring along $2.

P and C meeting

Homebush Boys High School P&C Meeting

Please note all P & C Meetings have been cancelled until further notice. 

For more details please email hbhspandc@gmail.com 

P and C meeting

Homebush Boys High School P&C Meeting

Where: Staff Common Room, Homebush Boys High School

When: Tuesday 19th November 2019, 6:30pm

All Welcome!

For more details please email hbhspandc@gmail.com 

P and C meeting

Tuesday 15th October, 2019 P&C Meeting has been cancelled

Next Meeting: Tuesday 19th November 2019, 6:30pm

Where: Staff Common Room, Homebush Boys High School

All Welcome!

For more details please email hbhspandc@gmail.com 

P and C meeting

Homebush Boys High School P&C Meeting

Where: Staff Common Room, Homebush Boys High School

When: Tuesday 17th September 2019, 6:30pm

All Welcome!

For more details please email hbhspandc@gmail.com 

P and C meeting

Homebush Boys High School P&C Meeting

Where: Staff Common Room, Homebush Boys High School

When: Tuesday 20th August 2019, 6:30pm

All Welcome!

For more details please email hbhspandc@gmail.com 

P and C meeting

Homebush Boys High School P&C Meeting

Where: Staff Common Room, Homebush Boys High School

When: Tuesday 18th June 2019, 6:30pm

All Welcome!

For more details please email hbhspandc@gmail.com 

P and C meeting

Homebush Boys High School P&C Meeting

Where: Staff Common Room, Homebush Boys High School

When: Tuesday 21st May 2019, 7pm 

All Welcome!

For more details please email hbhspandc@gmail.com

clothing rack

HBHS P&C will be holding a pop up uniform shop. A wide range of second hand uniforms will be available at a minimal cost.

When: Tuesday, 7th May

Time: 8:20am to 10am

Where: Front Office

P and C meeting

Homebush Boys High School P&C Meeting

Where: Staff Common Room, Homebush Boys High School

When: Tuesday 19th March 2019, 7pm 

All Welcome!

For more details please email hbhspandc@gmail.com

P and C meeting

Homebush Boys High School P&C Meeting

Where: Staff Common Room, Homebush Boys High School

When: Tuesday 19th February 2019, 7pm 

All Welcome!

For more details please email hbhspandc@gmail.com